
The Entrepreneurial Teaching Artist Series

Resource Publisher
NYC Arts in Education Roundtable
Publish Date
May 21, 2021

A series of workforce training videos for teaching artists focused on working during and after the COVID-19 pandemic.

The NYC Arts in Education Roundtable and its Teaching Artist Affairs Committee seek to support Teaching Artists and arts educators as they navigate this new frontier of arts education with an entrepreneurial fair. We are proud to host a multi-day virtual series dedicated to addressing the realities of a shifting career in teaching artistry and a need for workforce training for teaching artists during and after the COVID-19 pandemic featuring sessions led by and for teaching artists.


The Art of Wellness

The Art of Wellness discussion is designed to assist the Artpreneur with taking care of themselves so that they can share their art with the world. An Artpreneur is passionate, driven, and often struggling financially, emotionally, physically, and spiritually. The constant grind of creation, promotion, and worrying about the inevitable criticism fuels burnout, depression, anxiety, and sleepless nights. It is time to get off the roller coaster of un-wellness because pursuing your art does not have to make you unhappy or unwell. The prescription is radical self-care. Click here for resources from this event.

Facilitator: Renee Reid

Transferring TA Skills to Marketing, Production, & Communications

Description: Translate those Teaching Artist skills to client work in marketing, production, and communications! In this workshop, we’ll talk about freelancing or contract work in blogging, social media management, video creation, love virtual events, and more. You may view my creative website at and my client website at Past and current clients include the Art Deco Society of New York, Cosmopolitan, Textile Arts Center, Teen Vogue, HeartShare Human Services of New York, the Advertising Specialty Institute and others. Click here for resources from this event.

Facilitator: Christine Sloan Stoddard, Writer & Founding Editor of Quail Bell Magazine