On Friday, March 13, 2020, the NYC Arts in Education Roundtable, Association of Teaching Artists, Teaching Artists Guild, Creative Generation, National Guild for Community Arts Education, and Teaching Artists of the Mid-Atlantic hosted a free webinar of almost 500 teaching artists to address how the COVID-19 health crisis is affecting the field of arts in education and the unique profession of teaching artistry. The guiding questions of this webinar included:
- How does employment status impact organizational support?
- How can artists advocate for themselves?
- How can teaching artists build community in times of crisis?
- How can we connect our community to talk about how the virus is impacting the work we do?
- How can we leverage the shared knowledge of our community to offer plans and procedures in response to COVID-19?
Thank you to the panelists who helped facilitate this conversation:
- Erika Atkins – Deputy Director, Opening Act (New York, NY)
- Justin Daniel – Teaching Artist/Associate Director of Programs, Opening Act (New York, NY)
- Heleya de Barros – Executive Director, Association of Teaching Artists / Director of Arts Education, Arts Corps (Seattle, WA)
- John Holyoke – Lead Instructional Specialist, Lincoln Center Education (New York, NY)
- Jean Johnstone – Executive Director, Teaching Artists Guild (San Francisco, CA)
- James Miles – Executive Director, Arts Corps (Seattle, WA)
- Kimberly Olsen – Managing Director, NYC Arts in Education Roundtable (New York, NY)
- David Wright, Partner, Kahn, Smith & Collins (Baltimore, MD)
- and Kenny Allen (Teaching Artist Guild) & Kinsey Keck (New York City Arts in Education Roundtable) as Chat Box Moderators
Note: At the time of the webinar, 240 participants reported a loss as a direct result of COVID-19.
Transcripts and audio files can be found in resources section.
List of Questions to Ask Your Organization Regarding Compensation:
- In what capacity are you employed as a teaching artist? Employee? Independent Contractor?
- Am I eligible for paid sick time? If so, how much do I have accrued and where do I find that information?
- What is this organization’s cancellation policy?
- When and how can I use paid sick time?
- If my children are sick?
- If I have to care for a loved one?
- If schools close due to a pandemic
- If I don’t want to go to work due to safety concern
- What is your class cancelation policy for pay for teaching artists?
- Are you putting into place any emergency pay measures?
For updates from the NYC Department of Education, please visit: https://www.schools.nyc.gov/school-life/health-and-wellness/coronavirus-update
Arts Administrators: To access video and audio recordings of the NYC Arts in Education Roundtable Community Conversation on COVID-19 (March 10, 2020), please click here.