
New York State Teaching Artist Mentorship Program 2025

Resource Publisher
NYC Arts in Education Roundtable
Publish Date
October 15, 2024

Have you worked in the field of arts education for at least four years?
Are you asking yourself what’s next for you in the field of arts education?
Are you interested in expanding and deepening your professional practice?

The NYC Arts in Education Roundtable is proud to launch the fourth cohort of the New York State Teaching Artist Mentorship Program. This regrant opportunity seeks to proactively help mid-career Teaching Artists from across the state develop the networks, skills, and increased capacities necessary to support career advancement and sustainability. The program is supported with funds from the New York State Council on the Arts.

The formalized program will pair at least 22 mid-career Teaching Artists from communities historically underrepresented in the arts education field with a mentor educator or arts leader. Each participating Teaching Artist will be awarded $2,200 to support their participation in the program.

Please select from the options below for additional information about the program, application process, and more. If your question is not covered on this website, please don’t hesitate to contact us at

The application deadline for this opportunity is Friday, November 15th at 11:59pm ET.

Program Information

Application & Program Timeline

Dates subject to change.

  • Application Opens: October 15, 2024 at 12:00pm ET.
  • Information Session: October 28, 2024 from 6-7pm ET. View recording here.
  • Application Closes: November 15, 2024 at 11:59pm ET.
  • Applicants Notified: by December 20, 2024.
  • Professional Development Sessions: Wednesdays, January 15, 22, and 29, 2025 from 6:30-7:30pm ET.
  • Mentorship Meetings (approx. once a month): March 2025 – October 2025. To be scheduled based on individuals’ availability.
  • “Coffee Date” Sessions (5 total, approximately once a month): March 2025 – September 2025. To be scheduled based on participant availability. Mentees in the program are expected to attend at least 3 sessions.
Program Overview & Design

The NYS Teaching Artist Mentorship Program will have four components:

  • 1:1 Mentorship: Each Teaching Artist will be partnered with a mentor to meet with virtually or in-person at least once a month (minimum of 7 times total). Teaching Artists will be paired with a mentor, including arts and cultural leaders and expert educators, based on their goals for participation in the program.
  • Professional Development: Participating Teaching Artists will attend public workshops in January 2025. These 1 hour virtual workshops will be free and open to all New York State Teaching Artists, regardless of acceptance into the program. Participating Teaching Artists will also have the opportunity to attend the 2025 Face to Face Conference and Day of Learning for free.
  • “Coffee Date” Sessions: Participating Teaching Artists will attend 1 hour virtual Q&As with leaders in arts education on topics selected by the mentee cohort. Attendance is expected at three out of five sessions.
  • Field Hours: Each mentee will be expected to complete 8 “field hours”. These field hours are meant to provide an opportunity for participants to explore multiple arts education settings and complement the mentorship sessions. Field hours may take place at a school (pending fingerprint clearance), community organization, cultural institution, museum, theater, or other settings related to the delivery of arts education programs.

The regrant award for this project was calculated based on the estimated number of hours each Teaching Artist will spend participating in these 4 aspects of the program.

How to Apply

To apply, you must submit an application through Submittable. The application will open on October 15th at 12:00pm ET. If you’d like to review the application via Google Doc in advance, you can do so here. If you will require a paper application, please email us ASAP at

Program Eligibility

Eligible applicants must:

  • Be an independent Teaching Artist or Teaching Artist Assistant, defined as working with students in NYS public, private, and charter schools; colleges/universities; and/or NYS community groups such as senior centers, libraries, religious institutions, prisons, veteran centers, or the like;
    • PLEASE NOTE: this grant is only available to individuals. Organizations are not eligible to apply.
    • This opportunity is intended for Teaching Artists who are NOT full-time permanent employees with a single organization.
  • Be a current resident of New York State (all regions are eligible and encouraged to apply: Western New York, Finger Lakes, Southern Tier, Central New York, North Country, Mohawk Valley, Capital District, Hudson Valley, New York City, and Long Island);
  • NOT be currently employed as a certified teacher by a NYS school (PLEASE NOTE: teachers on permanent staff of New York State public schools are not eligible for this grant);
  • NOT be a current staff member or board member of the NYC Arts in Education Roundtable;
  • NOT be a member of a previous cohort of the NYS Teaching Artist Mentorship Program.

If awarded, you must be able to provide:

  • W-9 with social security number (SSN), employer identification number (EIN), or an individual taxpayer identification number (ITIN)
  • Bank Account Number and Routing Number

Applications received after the deadline will not be considered.

Review Process & Criteria

A panel of 6 Teaching Artists and arts education practitioners will review applications using the following criteria:

  • Demonstrated evidence of experience, training, and/or professional development in arts education.
  • Articulated desire to take the next step in your career, whether deepening work as a teaching artist or expanding work beyond teaching artistry.
  • Clarity in being able to articulate personal and professional goals, the “why” of why are you interested in this opportunity.
  • Sense of commitment to the program.

Criteria are not listed in priority order and each are valued equally. Grant recipients will be awarded funding in 3 installments pending their contract signature and submission of a completed W9 form and relevant banking information.

The NYC Arts in Education Roundtable’s New York Teaching Artist Mentorship Program is made possible by the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of the Office of the Governor and the New York State Legislature with additional support from the Cornelia T. Bailey Foundation and the William Talbott Hillman Foundation.

About the New York State Council on the Art

The New York State Council on the Arts (NYSCA) is dedicated to preserving and expanding the rich and diverse cultural resources that are and will become the heritage of New York’s citizens.

At NYSCA, our efforts are guided by our belief in the fundamental importance of arts and cultural expression in people’s lives and a commitment to serving our three constituencies: artists, arts and cultural organizations, and the public. We believe that:

  • Artists are at the center of creative endeavor. Therefore, we are committed to providing artists with opportunities for artistic development and the public presentation of their work.
  • Strong arts and cultural organizations are vital to connecting the arts to people’s lives. We are committed to assisting a wide range of arts and cultural organizations – small and large, new and established – to achieve their artistic, programmatic, educational, community, and organizational goals.
  • Every citizen of New York State can have a meaningful connection to creativity and every community has a right to cultural self-determination. The Council is also committed to making the arts accessible to all the citizens of New York State. We aim to support worthy artistic and cultural activities that serve traditionally underserved communities or populations. These are the economically disadvantaged, people with disabilities, rural populations, and those who may experience discrimination on the basis of age, gender, ethnicity, culture, or sexual orientation. We are committed to fostering public understanding and enjoyment of arts and culture through support of arts education, public participation, and lifelong learning programs in schools and community settings for children and adults.

For more information please visit:

About the New York City Arts in Education Roundtable

The New York City Arts in Education Roundtable improves, advances, and advocates for arts education in New York City. The Roundtable is a community of cultural organizations and educators that shares resources, provides professional development, and advocates for the needs of our constituents and the communities they serve. Founded in 1992, the Roundtable builds our efforts around the value that arts education is a right for all NYC students. The Roundtable produces a major annual arts in education conference, Face to Face; monthly professional development programs; in addition to ongoing advocacy and communications efforts for cultural organizations and teaching artists in every discipline.

For more information please visit:
