
Musical Storytelling with Thierry Rémion

Resource Publisher
Thierry Rémion
Publish Date
May 1, 2022

Through Word Painting, students will retell a short story in music. With rhythm & melody to express imagery, they will translate that story from one medium (ELA) to another (music). This activity is open-ended as the music created can be translated into other mediums: dance, puppetry, painting, etc.

The Videos


The Lessons

Concepts & Vocabulary

Activity 1: Our Story – The Three Little Butterfly Brothers

Activity 2: The Road Map – Choosing Our Landmarks

Activity 3: An Introduction to Word Painting

Activity 4: Rhythm – Concrete vs. Abstract

Activity 5: Melody-Motifs

Activity 6: Orchestration – Putting it all Together

About Thierry Rémion

Mr. Rémion is a Martinique born Composer, Guitarist, Bassist, Traditional-percussionist and Educator. He is also an Audio-Recording Engineer & Producer, and has toured extensively in Europe, the Caribbean, and the United States both as a performer, and leader of his own ensemble.

As an educator and curriculum writer, Mr. Rémion served on the faculty of the Institute for the Arts in Education Capital Region Center at SUNY Albany, the Sydney A. Wolff Concert Series, the School of the Arts—Musical Introduction Series at the 92nd St.Y, and the New York Philharmonic Education Program, and was a guest lecturer at the Memphis Arts Council: Arts in the School Program. He has written curriculum for the New Jersey Performing Arts Center (NJPAC) SchoolTime Performance Series and worked with the Westchester Philharmonic, the Orchestra of St. Luke’s and the Brooklyn Philharmonic Orchestra, where he also served as the official Arranger for their Education Program. Additionally, Mr. Rémion worked for the Lincoln Center Institute teaching and leading Professional Development and Teacher Training Workshops from 1988 to 2013. He has worked with the Weill Music Institute at Carnegie Hall and currently works with the Little Orchestra Society, The Brooklyn Steppers Marching Arts, and Puppetry in Practice at the Brooklyn College since 2016 as their resident Music Teaching Artist. He has taught Special-Ed students, At-risk Youths and Early Childhood Education for students and staff at the Brooklyn College and Baruch College Early Learning Center. In 2014 as an outgrowth from over thirty years in the field of Aesthetic Education, he created the OpenArtEd organization dedicated to offering a more “tailored” approach to teaching the arts in schools.

Mr. Rémion attended the École Normale de Musique de Paris (France) and Brooklyn College where he studied composition, and Recording Engineering & Production at the Institute of Audio Research.