Supporting Artist

About Our Organization

Rooted in Washington Heights and Inwood, People’s Theatre Project (PTP) makes theatre with and for immigrant communities to build a more just and equitable world.

People’s Theatre Project’s core programming includes: PTP Partnerships, which provide K–12 students the experience of devising theatre in their school environments; the PTP Academy, which offers dedicated young people a rigorous and supportive multi-year arts & social justice training program; and the PTP Company, which offers young people and all New Yorkers access to professionally-produced devised theatre. Through this programmatic cycle, PTP participants deepen their sense of power, strengthen their connection to community, and develop the skills to become the next generation of  creative, collaborative and compassionate civic artists.

Job Position Summary

The role of a People’s Theatre Project (PTP) Supporting Artist (SA) is to provide a space for community members to become connected to Young Artists (YA) in the Uptown Manhattan community and learning opportunities for artist/educators to further their goals of becoming an Arts Educator. This will be done in collaboration with a PTP Teaching Artist (TA) with the goal of learning how to create inclusive, collaborative spaces for YA’s. This is done through relationship building, assistance with facilitation, and awareness of classroom management needs. This role will:

  • count as undergraduate or graduate degree credits OR
  • pay $15 an hour and serve as a potential gateway to Teaching Artist work in the future.

Roles & Responsibilities

COMMITMENT: PTP believes that consistency and commitment are foundational in the learning process. Below are the commitments we believe will provide the most growth for entering SA’s: 

  • Training: (Week of August 28th-September 1) Supporting Artists would be asked to attend PTP Teaching Artist Training with the newly hired TA’s. This will provide insight into the pedagogical approaches that support curriculum creation and facilitation. 
  • Residencies: (Weekly from September 19-May 23)
    • SA’s will commit to a year-long residency (possibly 1 semester). This will provide SA’s with insight into the following:
      • The importance of consistency in educational settings
      • The importance of relationship-building in educational settings
      • An opportunity to see a year-long curriculum from concept to implementation
    • SA’s will be part of a 2-hour class that meets once a week on either Wednesday or Thursday from 5 pm-7 pm or Saturdays between 9:30 am and 12:00 pm.
    • SA’s will be allowed  3 absences over the course of the residency. 

PRACTICAL APPLICATION: Below are the ways PTP will provide practical application for entering SA’s: 

Lesson Planning: SA’s will learn how to adapt lessons to meet individual student needs.

  • At retreat, SA’s and TA’s should discuss ways for both perspectives to be incorporated into the lesson planning of each week. 
  • Before the upcoming class, SA’s will receive an email with an attached lesson plan for that week’s class. 
  • As the TA is lesson planning, the TA will highlight portions of the lesson plans that have specific responsibilities for the SA’s. 
  • SA’s should read the lesson plan and reach out to the TA before the class with any questions. 
  • Responsibilities will vary based on the needs of the YA’s and the collaboration with the TA

Classroom Responsibilities: SA’s will learn what’s needed to effectively facilitate classes.

  • SA’s should arrive 15 minutes early to class and assist TA’s with any classroom setup needs. 
  • SA’s should make sure students are proactive in arriving on time and returning to class when going to the restroom or getting water. 
  • SA’s should be actively engaged during the entire lesson and participating in all activities. 
  • When students separate into small groups, SA’s should work with a small group and facilitate discussions, assist in assignment completion, and encourage devised artistic creation. 
  • SA’s may be asked to step in and lead an activity if needed by TA’s or requested by the SA’s and planned in collaboration with TA’s.
  • In preparation for sharings and at the guidance of TA’s, SA’s may have opportunities to assistant direct sharings and performances. This includes: 
    • Assisting with blocking and choreography
    • Assisting with script development
    • Assisting with music selection
    • Assisting with prop and costume selection

Post-Classroom Communication: SA’s will learn to communicate and listen as collaborators. 

  • SA’s will follow-up with TA’s regarding any issues that arose during class that the TA’s were not aware of (conflict in a devising group, leaving a mess in the bathroom, etc.). 
  • SA’s will relay positive stories of encouragement to TA’s that took place during class. 
  • SA’s will relay any important artistic/devising information to TA that took place during small group work.

* This follow-up can be done immediately after class if there is time while putting away material or on the train. If there is not time immediately after class, SA’s should send a follow-up email to the TA’s. 


SA’s will learn what is needed to effectively implement a performance. 

  • SA’s will be asked to be present on performance days, including off-site performances.
  • SA’s will assist TA’s on performance days. These tasks will vary based on YA’s needs and TA collaboration. Some tasks may include:
    • Young Artist management in the space
    • Backstage cues
    • Transportation of props/set

How to Apply

This is a learning opportunity for people, 18 years and older, seeking practical hands-on experience in the field of community-based arts and social justice education. Click on the following application link to apply. The PTP Education Specialist will follow up with all submitted applications. 

People’s Theatre Project is an equal opportunity employer and seeks workforce diversity with respect to race, ethnicity, culture, gender, age, sexual orientation, and physical abilities and strongly encourages POC to apply.