Part-time Teaching-Artist: Integrated Dance/Music/Art

About Our Organization

A unique arts & movement program
for students of all ages, stages & abilities
to nurture the creative process for a lifetime!

Education In Dance is an integrated arts enrichment program which provides a meaningful introduction and foundation in the arts for lifetime enhancement. In over 60 public and private schools throughout the New York Metropolitan Area, we teach preschool through high school students of all populations including Special Education, Bilingual/ESL, and Gifted/TAG. Our program stimulates creativity and intellectual growth while contributing to emotional and physical well-being.

Job Position Summary

We are seeking EXPERIENCED, EDUCATED TEACHING-ARTISTS for our INTEGRATED DANCE-ARTS PROGRAM reaching pre-school through high-school students in public & private schools New York City Metro Area for the 2022 – 2023 academic year.

Applicants with dance, music, and arts backgrounds as well as those with psychology and special needs experience are highly valued!

PART-TIME positions (1-3 days per week)

Roles & Responsibilities

Team-teach with one other teaching-artist our integrated dance/music/arts program 1 – 3 mornings per week  in assigned Preschools and NYCDOE sites.

How to Apply

Send Cover Letter and Resume to

Initial interviews and next steps will be conducted via first email contact and then video call for positions starting in November and December 2022.