We all know that we need to conduct program evaluations, but few of us are trained in this work. Join Rebecca Shulman of Museum Questions Consulting (and a former NYCAIER Board Member) to learn some basic evaluation strategies. We will also discuss how incorporating evaluation during your initial planning can help you design better, goal-focused programs, and what to do with the data you gather. We will leave time for Q&A, so bring all your evaluation questions!
About the Facilitator
Rebecca Shulman has over 20 years of experience as a museum and arts education professional. Most recently she served as the founding director of the Peoria PlayHouse Children’s Museum. Prior to that she worked in New York City art museums, as the manager of Learning Through Art, the arts outreach program at the Guggenheim Museum, and then head of the education department of the Noguchi Museum. Along with authoring numerous articles, Rebecca has written a book, Looking at Art in the Classroom, and guest edited an issue of the Journal of Museum Education on the topic of critical thinking. She currently has a consulting practice, Museum Questions, and works with museums and arts education organizations on strategic and program planning, evaluation, and communication.
The NYC Arts in Education Roundtable is committed to providing opportunities for everyone to participate in our programming. All virtual sessions will include access to closed captioning in the main room via Zoom’s Live Transcript feature. Please let us know how we can meet your access needs or reach out if you have any questions by contacting Programming Director Kinsey Keck at kkeck@nycaieroundtable.org.