Black Women’s Wellness Retreat 2022

Sep 23, 2022
Sep 25, 2022
12:00 pm
12:00 pm
Application Required (Free)
Omega Institute, 150 Lake Dr, Rhinebeck, NY 12572
The New York City Arts in Education Roundtable is proud to host its second Black Women’s Wellness Retreat (BWWR) at the Omega Institute in the Hudson Valley. Application and nomination forms open through June 18 @ 11:59pm ET!

Applications for the Black Women’s Wellness Retreat are now closed. Are you a participant looking for more information? Visit the Black Women’s Wellness Retreat 2022: Information Hub here! You will need a password from our Retreat Coordination to access it.

The BWWR was created in response to recent events in the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement and its effect specifically to the Black Women community as well as in line with the Roundtable’ campaign “Rebuild, Reconcile, Reimagine: A List of Demands for Centering Black Women’s Leadership in Arts Education.” The retreat is FREE for up to 30 participants, with 5 spots held for the nomination of 5 Black Female Elders. Attendees will have the opportunity to retreat away together for a weekend of connection, healing, and growth.

Retreat Save the Date: September 23-25!

Who is this retreat for?

The BWWR, is specifically designed for individuals who identify as Black Women and work in the field of arts education. There is space for up to 25 participants, plus an additional 5 spots available for Black Female Elders in the field. Interested participants can apply for the BWWR via an online application on the platform Submittable. The application may take up to 30 minutes to complete.

Nominate an Elder

If you are interested in nominating a Black Female Elder to attend the BWWR, please complete the nomination form. As part of the Elder Nomination, we are specifically looking for Black women who (1) are 55+ years old and (2) have demonstrated commitment to the field of arts education with 20+ years of experience. The form may take up to 10-15 minutes to complete.

Apply for the program

BWWR participants must apply or be nominated to attend the retreat. Applications will be reviewed by a selection committee of five Black Women who work in the field of arts education. Participants will be notified by June 30, 2022 on the status of their application and to confirm their attendance at the retreat.

Where will the retreat take place?

The BWWR will take place at the Omega Institute for Holistic Studies in Rhinebeck, NY (located 2-2.5 hours north of NYC). Conveniently located just 90 miles north of New York City, Omega’s natural environment and quiet pace will provide a serene environment for participants to retreat away this September.

Room and board will be included for all participants. Each individual will have a private bedroom, but may share a bathroom with other participants.

For more information

If you have any questions or would like more information, please do not hesitate to reach out to Wellness Retreat Coordinator, Caryn Cooper, at

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