Update from OASP: Arts Partnership Grants

Dear Arts Partners, 

The Office of Arts and Special Projects is pleased to announce recipients of Arts Partnership Grants for the 2021-22 school year. The School Allocation Memorandum No. 36 with a list of participating schools and arts partners can be found here. Table 5 includes Arts for ELL’s/SWD recipients. Table 6 includes Arts and Family Engagement recipients.

For organizations that collaborated with a school(s) to submit an Arts Partnership Grant proposal, please contact your partnership school(s) to learn more about grant decisions.

Please contact Audrey Cox, Director of Arts Partnerships, at ACox16@schools.nyc.gov for more information.

Thank you for your continued support!

In partnership,

Audrey Cox

Director of Arts Partnerships

Office of Arts and Special Projects

New York City Department of Education
