
Update from OASP: Arts Partnership Grants

Dear Arts Partners,

The DOE’s Office of Arts and Special Projects is pleased to present the 2022-23 application cycle for Arts Partnership Grants: Arts and Family Engagement Grants and Arts for Multilingual Learners and Students with Disabilities Grant. The Arts and Family Engagement Grant will provide $2,500 in School Allocation Memorandum (SAM) funding to each grantee site. The Arts for Multilingual Learners and Students with Disabilities Grant will provide $15,000 in School Allocation Memorandum (SAM) funding to each grantee site. 
For more information, click here to review the Arts Partnership Grants Program Request for Proposals and application.
Arts partner organizations may assist schools in completing the application. However, school leaders are responsible for submitting the application by 11:59pm by Tuesday, May 31, 2022.
The deadline to apply for both grants is 11:59pm by Tuesday, May 31, 2022.
For questions, please email Audrey Cox, Director of Arts Partnerships at ACox16@schools.nyc.gov.

Audrey Cox
Director of Arts Partnerships 
Office of Arts and Special Projects
New York City Department of Education