The following text is from an email sent out to NYC DOE Contractors the on Thursday, September 2. NYCAIER has follow up with the Vendor Hotline for more information.*****

Attention DOE Contractors: Please be advised that on August 24, 2021, the New York City Commissioner of Health signed an Order that requires COVID-19 vaccination of contractors of DOE or the City who work in person in a DOE school or DOE building. (See or )The relevant language is summarized below:All staff of contractors of DOE and the City who work in-person in a DOE school setting or DOE building, including individuals who provide services to DOE students, must provide proof to their employer no later than September 27, 2021 or prior to beginning such work that:
- they have been fully vaccinated; or
- they have received a single dose vaccine, even if two weeks have not passed since they received the vaccine; or
- they have received the first dose of a two-dose vaccine, and they must additionally provide proof that they have received the second dose of that vaccine within 45 days after receipt of the first dose. Self-employed independent contractors hired for such work must provide such proof to the DOE.
In addition, please notify your staff that as of September 9, all DOE staff and contractors must wear a face covering at all times while in DOE buildings, except while eating or drinking, regardless of the individual’s COVID-19 vaccine status.Finally, as a reminder, all City and DOE contracted employees, whether in DOE or buildings or non-DOE buildings, are required to meet the COVID-Safe Requirement, which, beginning 9/13, requires them to:
- provide one-time verification that they are fully vaccinated, OR
- provide a weekly record of a negative PCR test as evidence that they are in compliance with the mandate
Please sign and submit the attached certification to evidence that your company is complying with the new policy by 9/13/2021 and upload it directly to your PASSPort vendor profile or send it to the NYCDOE at if you do not have a PASSPort account. The certification is attached to this email.For further information please consult the Commissioner’s Order or contact the Vendor Hotline at you for your compliance and helping keep the City safe and healthy.