Calling All Arts Administrators: Community Conversation on COVID-19

Dear Colleagues,

While the number of cases in NYC remains small, a COVID-19 (coronavirus) outbreak could have a significant impact on the field of arts education. We would like to create a digital space for arts administrators within our community to share strategies to overcome this challenge in order to best support our programs, organizations, and teaching artists. 

As a result, the NYC Arts in Education Roundtable will be hosting a Zoom Video Conference tomorrow Tuesday, March 10 for arts administrators. Please see log-in details below.

**UPDATE**: This call will be recorded and shared on the Roundtable’s website and social media channels.


Topic: NYC Arts in Ed Roundtable Response: Corona Virus

Time: Mar 10, 2020 09:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting:  
Meeting ID: 814 628 301
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TEACHING ARTISTS: We are currently partnering with the Teaching Artists Guild, the Association of Teaching Artists, and others on how we can best support and advocate for our Teaching Artists during this time. Stay tuned for more information to be announced mid-week.

In the meantime, please take a look at this helpful article, “Arts and Culture Sector Can Prepare for the Coronavirus in the United States,” created by our colleagues at Americans for the Arts.


Jennifer DiBella & Sobha Kavanakudiyil