Thank you to the hundreds of arts education champions that joined in this spring in advocating for increased funding for arts education. While we are still waiting to hear about funding for DOE Arts Initiatives, here is what we know so far:
- Fair Student Funding (FSF) was funded at 100%. This money makes up a school’s budget and can be spent at the principal’s discretion.
- CASA funding restored to pre-COVID levels ($17.3M).
- SU-CASA funding was restored to pro-COVID levels ($3.3M).
- There was a $24M increase to the rate paid to the Summer Rising Providers.
- Arts Supplemental Funding Through Fair Student Funding grew from $79.62 per capita to $79.99. This is the recommended amount to be per per student on arts education to help schools meet NYSED arts instructional requirements. This funding is a part of each school’s Fair Student Funding allocation and does not represent additional funds.
- We are still waiting to hear back about Arts Funding Initiatives, Screened Arts Initiatives, and Arts Partnership Grants.
The Roundtable will continue to follow up with the city about Arts Partnership Grants and other funding opportunities for our community. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to Executive Director, Kim Olsen at